Cochrane Reviews related to Complementary Medicine

Here you can browse through Cochrane reviews related to complementary medicine. If you click on 'By Subtopic' you will see all the reviews organized in a tree according to the broad type of complementary therapy (eg, alternative medical systems, mind-body interventions). Approximately 10% of Cochrane reviews have complementary medicine interventions as a primary or secondary focus. For an explanation of what is included in the scope of the Cochrane Complementary Medicine Field, see our scope here. For an overview of how we decide whether Cochrane reviews are related to complementary medicine, see our published description of the criteria and selection process here.

Clicking on the title of the review will send you to the full review in the Cochrane Library if the review is open access or if you have an institutional or personal subscription. If the review is not open access and you do not have a subscription, you will be directed to the freely-available abstract and plain language summary. 

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